Become an E-Coach

E-Coaches are at the heart of the platform. Join people who are passionate about sharing what Jesus did for them with others.

E-Coaches – the Essential Part of the Project

E-Coaches are believers from various Christian denominations from the country and abroad, who, after a thorough preparation for the ministry, exchange correspondence or lead e-courses with seekers, help to grow in faith or prepare others for their service.

E-Coaches are not know-it-alls, but rather selfless people who are fully committed to accompanying people who are searching or struggling with various problems.

E-Coaches pray for people with whom they are in touch, leading them towards God.

E-Coaches don’t want to tie people to themselves, but they encourage and inspire for every person to find their place in a local fellowship, close to their home.

E-Coaches are divided into regions, ministries and small support groups. The goal is that no one is left alone in their ministry.

Each year E-Coaches meet at regional meetings, where they participate in workshops, for them to develop their skills. Moreover, an annual “You are needed!” conference is organized, primarily directed at E-Coaches and their families. Every time God has blessed the conference time through experiencing joy and unity in the Holy Spirit.

If you’ve given your life to Christ, you may become involved in this ministry, where God is using a variety of gifts of believing women and men. Your engagement will require time – at least 1 hour three times a week. You will decide the number of people you want to look after in a given period. If you would like to join us, please review our values (LINK) and the Rules for E-Coaches Ministry (LINK), and after the preparatory period we’ll ask you to confirm “The Cooperation Agreement”, which is related to keeping the current data protection regulation and general cooperation principles. Each new person who is in training or is already involved as an E-Friend or an E-Coach may resign at any point. Numerous E-Coaches have been involved in this project for more than 10 years because they see God’s impact on others, through this ministry that’s adjusted to individual possibilities for engagement.

The ministry preparation includes:

- Participation in a 6-hour-long offline training session, if possible – close to your location. Typically such meetings are organized on Saturdays. The training is free of charge and is led by experienced E-Coaches. This part of the training may also be underwent simultaneously with the online training or after it’s completed.

- Participation in an online training, carried out as a one-on-one exercise with a personal Trainer. Men are guiding men, women – women. It takes, depending on time involvement, roughly four months, assuming 1 hour three times a week. It’s split into stages.

The process of the online preparation comprises of:

1. You create an account on, and subsequently you’re asked to fill the E-Coach Candidate Form. Afterwards, the training is activated.

2. You go through the WhyJesus? Course on our e-course platform ( as a participant. It’s an opportunity to learn what this ministry looks like.

3. You participate in training courses: - “Leading by questions” – this course will teach you a practical approach to conversing or writing with others based on a 5-stage model. - „“Introduction to Online communication” – this course will equip you with practical tools related to exchanging correspondence. It’s rich in valuable knowledge useful in daily life and numerous exercises.

4. “Leading the Personal Conversation” – it’s first of the courses that will equip you in a skill directly related to exchanging online correspondence. In this course you’ll be able to check yourself as being an E-Coach.

5.“Leading WhyJesus?” – this course prepares for coaching for our main course, Why Jesus?. You’ll be able to practically apply all that you’ve learned to date, as being guided by your Trainer, who will in turn become the participant.

After the preparation period is completed, during the next three months you’ll be able to correspond with real seekers, under the eye of your Trainer. Consequently, you’ll become an independent E-Coach.

It’s not! It suffices to hold on to the advice of Christ himself, who encouraged us towards unity and to “…seek our neighbor’s benefit, not our own”.

Each of us has their own, personal convictions and that’s essential. They’ve been shaped over years, result from tradition, teaching, past memories, and generally – culture that we’re all immersed in.

For believers God’s Word is the point of reference. Various passages may be interpreted differently, however there are some topics that are very clearly and unambiguously stated in the Bible. One of them is salvation through Jesus Christ, by grace, if we regret our sins and ask God to be saved.

The platform is all about helping people who are searching for a personal relationship with God discover Christ as Savior and Lord. It’s that relationship that determines whether one will go to hell or to heaven! If we want to throw such a life buoy to a drowning person, it doesn’t matter what label is on the lifeguard’s back...

When it comes to salvation, we can speak one voice! We’ve been doing that for over 10 years, and our friendships and trust – they keep growing!

Do we differ? Of course! That said, let’s trust the Holy Spirit that He will be leading each new believer in the right direction… No one is an “owner” of another person; we want to reach people who live without God, so there’s no discussion about “dragging anyone away” from churches… Yes, we are witnesses of such a “miracle” in our Poland.