Get to Know our Projects

Practical and contemporary. Adapted to needs at various stages of spiritual development.


Szukajac Boga (Looking for God)

The website is an excellent venue to speak about faith, God and life values. If you have a question or you need advice or support – engage in a non-committal conversation.


With God you can improve your life! Practical online courses. For free. For you.


Become an E-Coach on our e-course platform ( You’ll discover how fascinating sharing the Gospel with others may be.

My Story

Get to know moving stories of people who were touched by God.

Nie Wiem Co Myśleć (I don’t know what to think)

Lukewarm Christian’s Manual is a collection of Christian satire in an accessible format of a guide. You need to check the new series of our videos at our vlog.

A Miracle Every Day

When subscribing today, you’ll join thousands of people who saw God working in their lives when they read free daily emails filled with encouragement “A miracle every day”. God desires to transform your life, day by day!

Media is the largest multimedia collection of sermons, lectures and seminars that took place over the years in Poland and beyond its borders.

Why Jesus

Who was Jesus? Only a historical figure? A superior teacher? A prophet? Or maybe more than that? If Jesus is God, what does it mean to trust Him? How can one start a personal relationship with Him that may change the whole life?

Small groups

Life Explored

The Life Explored course is a series of seven sessions that contain: short movies – stories of people from around the world – and an interesting commentary adapted to the contemporary postmodern culture.

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is ten interactive sessions in an informal and friendly atmosphere. The meetings are for asking questions or just listening. The program is tailored to respond to most niggling questions related to Christianity, teachings of Jesus and their adequacy today.

The Truth Project

The Truth Project is an inspiring course for small groups meeting offline. It’s based on dynamic lectures by Dr Dell Tacket, prepared with the aim of developing a biblical worldview among believers.

Christian to the Core

The program was created as a result of gathering the experiences of Christians from all continents, leading stable lives filled with passion and God’s power. Twelve sessions facilitate interactions, small group meetings and personal Bible study. Grounded in the Bible and focused on the practicalities of everyday life.

Poznając Boga (Getting to know God)

You’re invited to a group course linked with a weekly online meeting. No need to install any programs, it’s sufficient to click the link that will be made available during the course.

Journey of Transition

Being a parent is the most important job you’ve got! The Journey of Transition is nine short videos addressed at parents who care to have a good relationship with their kids.


Every Day

Every Day is a daily devotional circulated to your phone or email. The short text by Dennis F. Kinlaw is an excellent introduction to each day.

Story of the Savior

The Story of the Savior is an interactive journey through the John’s Gospel.

Treasure Hunters

The Treasure Hunters app is a fantastic way to get to know the city of Wrocław from another angle. Walking the streets of the Old Town, you’ll get a chance to learn about the area and play a city game.



Outback is a unique weekend prepared for: father or mother with son or daughter as well as for married couples, in a remote, charming place, outside of the daily life’s routine.

History Makers

History Makers is addressed at young leaders and people involved in Church ministry. This week-long training is to equip for future ministry touching our hearts, minds and providing tools to realize plans.

Women’s Breakfast

The women’s breakfast is an annual evangelistic meeting of over 800 women organized in Gołębiewski hotel in Wisła.

Relational Wisdom

A conference and study resources that present a „relationship operating system”, similar to Windows; it impacts each sphere of our lives, among others the relationship with God, our marriage, parenthood, church, work effectiveness and development.

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